Is Owning A Car The Best Way To Learn To Drive?
Getting your first car is a true rite of passage. For some it's one of the happiest moments of your youth. With your first car comes a feeling of independence and responsibility. Whether you buy a car to practice in, or you wait until you have passed to purchase, only you know what is the right option for you.
The benefits of buying your own car to learn to drive in
If you learn to drive in your own car, you can take your driving test in it too. Convincing a family member or friend to accompany you on a practice session is a lot easier when you have your own car - and it means you can get used to all the little quirks of your own vehicle. You can also get your instructor to teach you in your own car. Have them meet you at your house and set off for the lesson in your car instead of theirs. The lesson won't be any cheaper, and they may ask for proof of your insurance so be sure to have your Certificate of Insurance to hand. Of course the main benefit of buying your car to learn to drive in, is that when you do pass your test, you only need to make one simple phone call to your insurance provider to upgrade from Provisional Licence Insurance to Full Licence Insurance! With InsureLearnerDriver you can choose between an annual or temporary Learner Driver policy, and upon passing your test a simple call to our Young Driver Team at sister site Safely Insured will get you on the road in no time! There are some downsides to purchasing a car so soon, and so we've laid out the main positive and negative reasons below. If you have any questions you'd like answered about owning a car, or finding the right insurance coverage for you let us know in the comments below.