Learning to Drive: Cockpit Drill

Jamie Daly - Apr 1 2022 1:27PM
Learning to Drive: Cockpit Drill img

InsureLearnerDriver are looking to help those Learning to Drive with a 16 step program, which will teach you what's necessary to pass your driving test. Part 1 of the Learning to Drive series, The Cockpit Drill.

Learning to Drive: Getting Ready to Go

The cockpit drill is the process the learner driver will go through before they set off on any journey. It comprises of 9 key steps that test (Awareness & Adjustments).



  • 1) Approach The Car - If the driver door is facing the road, check the road for traffic. Wait until traffic is Clear before entering the car.


  • 2) Enter - Open the door and take your seat.
  • 3) Adjust The Seat - so your feet Comfortably reach the pedals (your legs should be slightly bent but not touching the dashboard).
  • 4) Adjust The Head Rest - so it lines up with the back of your head.
  • 5) Adjust Mirrors - so you can see as far back as possible (a small part of the car's rear should be visible in the wing mirrors).


  • 6) Correctly Fastened - The seat belt should be loose enough for you to be able to lean forward but still feel resistance.


  • 7) Brake Pedal - Firmly press down on the brake pedal. It should not feel Loose or Spongy.
  • 8) Hand Brake - Firmly press down on the handbrake. It should not move.
  • 9) Gear Stick - The car should be in neutral. Wiggle the gear stick. If it wiggles, the car is in the correct neutral position.


Check Handbrake – Your examiner will want to see that you have taken all precautions available to ensure the car is secure. <


Adjusting Your Seat – When your Learning to Drive, the seat you take your test in might need adjusting, especially if a different sized person has used the car before you.

InsureLearnerDriver's HELPFUL TIP

When you do the cockpit drill you may not need to adjust anything. However, your examiner will still want to know you are aware of the correct procedure. If no adjustments need to be made, still demonstrate you are aware of the procedure by explaining what should be done.

For A Visual Demonstration, Watch This Video...


Read Part 2 - Moving Off & Pulling Over >


'Learning to Drive' series - full lesson list