Learning to Drive: Turn In The Road
Mar 30 2022 1:16PM
Part 12 of the Learning to Drive series, Turn In The Road. Some manoeuvres are considered easier than others, but all serve to challenge the learner on their skills of observation and control.
Learning to Drive: Performing a Turn in the Road
Why use it? The turn in the road is useful when a driver needs to turn back on themselves. It's handy when the road ahead is a dead end or travelling back around using side roads would take too long. When will the instructor ask for a turn in the road? Your instructor will ask you to pull over, usually on a road that...
- Is wide
- Has no cars immediately in front of you (so you can pull forward)
- Has no cars immediately to your right (leaving you enough space to pull out)
P.O.M When performing a manoeuvre, abide by P. O. M (Prepare, Observe, Manoeuvre).
- Prepare (set the biting point)
- Observe (look out for obstructions and pedestrians)
- Manoeuvre (when safe to do so, start moving)
The turn in the road is usually achievable in 3 Parts. Part 1 - Pull Forward
- 1) Whilst pulled over, perform a 6 point check
- 2) Prepare the car by setting the biting point and placing the car in 1st gear
- 3) Allow any cars to pass before manoeuvring out. When the road is clear, indicate out, release the handbrake and pull forward
- 4) Briskly start to turn the wheel, using appropriate clutch control to gradually move out
- 5) Check to your left and right for any approaching cars and look out for pedestrians (stop moving if any pedestrians appear).
- 6) As you approach the pavement, begin to apply the brake
- 7) Before coming to a complete stop, start to turn the wheel in the opposite direction. This will set you up better for Part 2
- 8) Push down fully on the clutch, brake and come to a complete stop. Apply the handbrake and put the car in neutral (if your indicator has not already cancelled at this point, do so now)
Part 2 - Reverse Back
- 1) Perform a 6 point check, prepare the car and place it in reverse gear
- 2) Turn around in your seat, so you can see out the back of the car, and move off when safe
- 3) Continue to turn the wheel as you reverse back
- 4) Check to your left and right
- 5) look out for passing pedestrians
- 6) If you are finding it hard to judge how far back to reverse, use the wing mirrors to help you judge the distance (However, don't rely on the wing mirrors, as they are not a totally accurate reflection of how far away an object is)
- 7) As you approach the pavement, push down on the clutch and begin to apply the brake. Briskly turn the wheel in the opposite direction, setting you up better for part 3
- 8) Come to a compete stop and apply the handbrake
Part 3 - Moving Off
- 1) Perform a final 6 point check, prepare the car, signal out and move off
- 2) Straighten the wheel and continue onwards
- 3) Start building the car up to a safe and appropriate speed
Turn The Wheel Before Stopping- It's good practice to prep the wheel at the end of each part. This will make your urn In the road tighter and more likely to be achieved in only 3 parts.
Use The Wing Mirror - The wing mirror is a very useful tool in all reversing manoeuvres. Just looking out the back of the car can be quite restricting.
InsureLearnerDriver HELPFUL TIP
We suggest checking to your left and right every 3 seconds, that way you will never miss an obstruction or an approaching vehicle.
Things to watch out
for The Pavement - If the car touches the
pavement, you will receive a driving fault on your test. Make sure to practice this manoeuvre on multiple roads when
learning to drive. Road Cambers - A road camber is a dip where the road meets the pavement.
Watch out for these as you approach the pavement, as road cambers can cause you to unexpectedly speed up.
Pedestrians - Pedestrians can appear at any given moment, so keep checking for them. 'Turn' into an expert and watch this video.<
< Read Part 11 - Dual Carriageways
Part 13 - Reverse Bay Park >
'Learning to Drive' series - full lesson list
- Cockpit Drill
- Moving Off & Pulling Over
- Approaching Junctions
- Emerging at Junctions
- Meeting Traffic
- Making Progress