How to Maximise the Benefits and Minimise the Cost of Learning to Drive

Tina Playle - Apr 6 2022 11:58AM
How to Maximise the Benefits and Minimise the Cost of Learning to Drive img

Learning to drive can be expensive, especially for young people. Let us break it down and find out how much it costs, on average, to become a legal driver.

How much does it cost to learn to drive (on average)?

These results are without the additional costs of a new car and the insurance that accompanies it. For any young person, spending over £1,000 on anything will be a completely new experience, so here are some tips to help maximise the benefits and minimise the cost of learning to drive.

Making sure your Driving Instructor is right for you

There is no point in paying (on average) £22 an hour for a lesson from an instructor that doesn’t work for you. For the best learning experience, you must make sure the instructor is of a high standard and caters to your specific learning style. For more advice on choosing the right driving instructor for you, read our Top 8 Things to Consider When Choosing Your Driving Instructor

Private practice between lessons

You can’t help the prices of driving lessons, but there are ways to ensure that you get your money’s worth. It is advised by GOV.UK to practise with family or friends in between lessons. This allows time for you to familiarise yourself with your own driving style and retain the information learnt in previous lessons. During driving lessons, reminding yourself of what you learnt last week, can be time consuming. By practising between them- you can spend more time learning something new or focus on any parts of driving that you are struggling with. InsureLearnerDriver offers several options when it comes to Short Term Insurance for young drivers. They range from 1 day to 1 month’s cover. If you get more practice between lessons, you may not need as many lessons in the long run, which ultimately- saves you money and will allow you to still achieve an appropriate level of driving experience.

Book the test when you’re ready

Sometimes the temptation to get the practical test over and done with gets the better of young drivers and they book it too early. As a result of not being ready, they fail and have to pay to rebook their test at a later date. Learning to drive is a process that requires a lot of patience. Rushing into the practical test can not only leave you out of pocket, but can end up knocking your confidence. The best way to know whether you’re ready for the test is to consult with your driving instructor. Driving instructors have seen many learner drivers come and go and can tell whether you’re prepared to take the test. Also, the best thing to do prior to this- is to have your driving instructor perform a mock test. This is not only a terrific way to demonstrate what is to come, but highlights anything you may struggle with on the test. This enables you to work on that area until it’s perfected, increasing the chances of passing your test.

Get a quote to start practising today

Learning to drive can be an expensive affair, however, remember that you will only have to go through this process once (hopefully). By having excellent quality lessons and taking the time to practise, you’ll become an experienced and safe driver in no time. Click here for more information on Private Practice & Learner Driver Insurance Click here to get a quick quote with InsureLearnerDriver