Top 5 Reasons Why Learners Fail Their Driving Test Revealed
Mar 31 2022 12:34PMNobody wants to fail their driving test, but unfortunately it happens. But what are the most common reasons why learners fail their driving test and how can you avoid them? We investigated and have shared our tips to help you avoid making these mistakes.
1) Observations at Junctions
The number one reason why people fail their driving test is demonstrating a lack of observation skills at a junction. This can lead to several problems and ultimately lead to an accident. TIP: When at a junction, just think to yourself “do I have a full 360-degree awareness of what’s happening around me?” and if not, perform the necessary checks so that you do! This will make you and others on the road safer when you emerge or turn into a new road.
2) Moving off safely
Guess what? Another reason why learner drivers find themselves with a major fault during their driving lessons is because they fail to perform the right checks before moving away.
TIP: When you’re pulled over, as you set off again, indicate the direction you intend to merge back into the traffic. Make sure to check your mirrors AND your blind spot, and re-join traffic when you won’t cause anyone to change speed or direction as you do so.
3) Using mirrors
As we have previously said, mirrors are a huge part of being safe on the road and knowing what’s going on around you. It’s no surprise that not checking them enough will result in failure of your driving test. TIP:Simplify things. If you change your speed, direction, or indicate, check your rear view and wing mirrors before doing these things. Anything that might impact the vehicles around you requires you to check your mirrors beforehand!
4) Reverse parking
In your driving test, you may be asked to do at least one reversing manoeuvre. Parking manoeuvres make even full licensed drivers nervous, so it’s not a shock that most learners who have failed their driving test have got a major in this part. TIP: Take it step by step and make sure you maintain full control of the car. If you make a slightly wrong move, just take time to correct it. If you’re still nervous about it, just take time before your driving test to practise them.
5) Steering
You would think that steering control would be the first thing that you would have mastered when it comes to learning to drive, however this is still one of the main faults of failing a driving test. Whether it’s because of nerves or lack of concentration, not following the contour of the kerb may result in a major fault. TIP: Always be conscious of your position in the road by referencing road markings and observing your surroundings. If you’re approaching a tight turn, slow down to turn.
These are just a few things that could lead to a failed driving test, but whatever your weak spot is, you can always squeeze in a little extra practice prior to the driving test to avoid falling victim to it. We strongly advise taking a mock driving test with a driving instructor beforehand! If you can’t do that, you can always get an extra day’s practice on either a borrowed car or your own with InsureLearnerDriver. Whether you need to practice those pesky reversing manoeuvres or refresh your observation technique, you can get covered online and get practising immediately! Click here to get a quote on InsureLearnerDriver Click here to find out more about learner driver insurance